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 Readme for:  Utility » Archive » amicryptpro.lha


Description: Encrypt & Hide Files
Download: amicryptpro.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 6Mb
Version: 1.1
Date: 11 Aug 2010
Author: AmigaOneProductions
Submitter: Paul Townsend
Email: AmiCrypt/amigaoneproductions co uk
Category: utility/archive
Replaces: utility/archive/amicryptpro.lha
License: Shareware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 5765
Comments: 3
Snapshots: 1
Videos: 0
Downloads: 195  (Current version)
329  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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AmiCrypt Pro
(c) 2010 AmigaOneProductions

This new PRO Version has a stronger encryption than the previous Lite version, 
nothing is uncrackable,  but this version should be more difficult to crack then
the previous versions.  Note - This version will NOT DECODE the earlier versions
files,  so make sure you keep the old version if you have any old files :-)

New in v1.1:
1. Now can be run from CLI, run the program with no parameters to get help on
which commands to use.
2. Program commpiled to run on more systems so that you can pass encrypted files
between different platforms.  Fully tested on AmigaOS4, compiled but not tested
on the following platforms:

MS Windows (Seems to work, but CLI fuctions are being ignored on my Windows 7
setup,  the GUI seems to work OK though)
The rest I cannot test as I do not have the machines to test them on:
AmigaOS3 (Runs under OS4, but untested on a real OS3 machine)


With this program you can "hide" a file within another file,  the best files to
hide inside are image files as when you display the image file, you just see
that image,  your image viewer should know nothing of the hidden file and ignore

Encrypting and hiding a file File:

1. Click "Encrypt File"
2. Choose level of encryption (NEW IN THIS PRO VERSION)
2. Choose where your file will be hidden (for example the included
3. Choose the file that you want to hide (could be anything,  Text File,  Image,
4. Choose where to save this new file (Do not overwrite your originals !)
5. Choose a password - Note this password will be used as a key for your file,
without it your hidden file will be unreadable.

Recovering your hidden file:

1. Click "Decode File"
2. Choose file to be decoded (i.e. where you hid your file)
3. Choose where to save the recovered file (By default it will save the original
filename,  but you can change this if you like)

Plans for the full commercial version:

Process a directory of files in one go
Batch Processing
More Levels of encryption (i.e. Faster or Slower but more secure)
Handle unlimited file sizes - The lite version is restricted to the files
fitting into available memory
+ Your ideas and requests :-)

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