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 Readme for:  Network » News » ivorss.lha


Description: Simple RSS client
Download: ivorss.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 3Mb
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 29 Jul 2022
Author: Aleksei Gerasimov
Submitter: Aleksei Gerasimov
Homepage: https://rocketgit.com/iam-git/IvoRSS
Requirements: codesets.library, AmiSSL4
Category: network/news
Replaces: network/news/ivorss.lha
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.1
FileID: 12160
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 1
Videos: 0
Downloads: 69  (Current version)
85  (Accumulated)
Votes: 1 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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Short:        Simple RSS (and Atom as well) client
Uploader:     ger-alex()seznam.cz (Aleksei Gerasimov)
Author:       ger-alex()seznam.cz (Aleksei Gerasimov)
Type:         comm/news
Version:      1.1.1
Architecture: ppc-amigaos

Simple RSS (and Atom at some extent) client written in Hollywood for
Amiga-flavored OSes. 
Unlike other RSS clients, IvoRSS stores locally only actual content of RSS
and doesn't bother user with tens of old read and unread messages.

AmiSSL v4

IvoRSS should work from any dedicated drawer.

Copy IvoRSS binary to previously installed drawer. 

Special apologize for Amiga users:
IvoRSS is an Hollywood project. It was so easy for me to coble together all the
needed components that Hollywood had out of the box.
I believe that programs should be written on compiled languages whenever it's
I am not sure if IvoRSS will be usable on real Amiga at all.

1. Fixed crash for uncovered HTML characters
2. Finally, any smallest change of "article" will trigger IvoRSS to show it as
   But at least left and rigth sides of application will be consistent.
3. Changed a little bit layout to look a little bit better under AmigaOS4
4. Added glow icon for AmigaOS3
5. Created kind of glow icon for AmigaOS4

1. Reworked parsing in Explore window
2. Downloading is reworked, IvoRSS tracks modified time on server
3. Changed New/Read identification, there are still false positives, but should
be less of them
4. Now MUI&MUIRoyale set up to not let labels to explode and break layout
5. More &HtMl_characters; are covered 
6. More Amiga related feeds out of the box

1. For the case when something goes wrong, IvoRSS stores its data in
2. Loading of RSS channel icons can be opted out by -donotloadimages key in
shell or by respective DONOTLOADIMAGES tooltip in Workbench icon.
3. If you encounter network issues with IvoRSS, setting up USEDEFAULTDOWNLOADER
tooltip may help
4. If application suddenly freezes, may help increased stack size. However, I
expect that 8192 KB will be enough already.

IvoRSS itself is open-sourced and distributed under terms of MIT license.
However, one will require commercial copy of Hollywood
(http://www.hollywood-mal.com/) to build it from the sources.

IvoRSS uses XMLParser, MUIRoyale and hURL plugins. They were written by Andreas
Falkenhahn <andreas()airsoftsoftwair.de> 
Visit http://www.hollywood-mal.com/ for more information on Hollywood and its

RSS icon originally distributed by the Mozilla Foundation under a MPL license.

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