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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Save The Penguins (C) 2007 Richard Whitty cs6rlw()csc.liv.ac.uk The objective of the game is to destroy all the spaceships before they kill the penguins. You control the sphere you see on the screen using the mouse. Note that this is early in development, so may (will) contain a couple of bugs. All the code is done by me (Richard Whitty). All except the penguins were done by me Credit for the Penguin sprites goes to the Pingus project. The sounds came from: www.a1freesoundeffects.com which claims to be free. If not then mail me and I'll get rid of them. CONTROLS ======== Right mouse button - fire towards pointer Middle mouse button - pause Left mouse button - accelerate towards pointer E - Enter/Exit map editor Escape - Quit game P - Pause/Unpause. (also the middle mouse button) LEVELS ====== The play through in sequence. They are pretty much all the same. I need to add a bit more to them. They are stored in the data/levels/ directory, and the list to play through is data/levels.dat. The format is pretty simple. If you look at one of them, it has a couple of lines describing the map. Then is the definition. Each array value is initialised to 0, then each line in the file goes along the lines. x y z which means { map[x][y]=z; } Maps aren't really portable between tilesets. It is possible to construct a second tileset so it is compatible with the first. (it allows you to specify an index). POWERUPS ======== These are defined as GameObj's which only collide with the player. They can do things like hurt/heal the player, send them rocketing away. They can call something via ol if they want as well. ATM there's the medikit, one that hurts you a little, and one that explodes and sends you flying. MAP EDITOR ========== To enter the editing mode, press E. The game will stop. You can change the type of a tile by scrolling up and down with the scroll wheel. To leave the editing mode and try out the level, press E again. if you are happy and want to save the level, press S. The game will quit and prompt for a filename. Inside the map editor (it's pretty basic) you can change a tiles type. Use the mouse wheel over any tile to flip through them. All the other properties such as number of entities, player start position and map size must be set manually in the file. To scroll around you must leave editing mode and move the ball so it scrolls the level. Then press E to re-enter. To save, press S. This will quit the game and ask for a filename. BUGS: ==== If you experience any segfaults or whatever, please include a backtrace in the bug report. To do this, comment out the first CFLAGS line, and uncomment the other in the Makefile. Then rebuild and run with gdb. When it crashes type "bt" and include that in the email. Even better, try and fix it ;) Feel free to email any bug reports. I know there's something wrong somewhere in the collisions. It comes and goes. 1. The collisions. Sometimes corners might not behave how they should. This is because some of the definitions in the tileset config probably aren't right. If you want to fix it, fine. I'm more into the code. Also, it is still possible to get stuck inside a wall. Shouldn't happen often, but you can esacpe by entering the editor, and removing the offending tile. CONTRIBUTING ============ The things I need help with (or haven't spent enough time on yet) are: -- Levels -- Graphics -- AI - even some pointers on how I should go about this. I need a decent, clean interface for it. What should be provided? --Gameplay - I am a programmer, not a gamer. Things like "turn down the gravity" or "make it shoot slower" would be useful. AUTHORS ======= All code - Richard Whitty Penguin graphics - From the game Pingus (pingus.seul.org) Snow+Lava tiles - from SuperTux (super-tux.sf.net) Sounds - www.a1freesoundeffects.com DEV NOTES ========= I started this project a long time ago, there is an earlier version floating around on the internet. It was mainly intended to teach me C++, as I hadn't used it before. However, after a couple of iterations it was clear that it was unmaintainable. This was due to my inexperience at the time. At the start of the summer I began re-writing it, with the express goal of it being maintainable and extensible. Overall, it has been successful, however there was one major oversight in the planning. The collision detection. It was very naive to just check the 4 corners of the object, as you can see the ball gets 'stuck' on spikes etc. I have solved this by checking the 4 quadrants rather than the points at the corners. I'm working on a new method of collision. I am currently writing a new set of surface/animation classes to seperate out the graphics code from the game logic. These should greatly improve code quality and readability. The main documentation is maintained as Doxygen (not so much lately). Do "make doc" to build it. There are a lot of configurable options in the defs.h file. Most of these are documented with comments. TILESET CONFIG ============== --------- | 1 | 2 | --------- | 3 | 4 | --------- There are 7 fields for each tile definition. The last 4 fields denote as above the treatment for each of the 4 tiles. The first three are for the index in the bitmap, the second for animation frames and the third for rate of animation (how many game ticks between frame updates). There are 4 fields to denote how to treat the quadrants of the tile. They can be one of the following: 0 - empty 1 - 45-deg with upper left half passable. 2 - 45-deg with upper right half passable. 3 - 45-deg with lower left half passable. 4 - 45-deg with lower right half passable. 5 - Solid Tile 0 is implicit, and is always empty. For example, a tile at index 3 (the third from the left) in the tileset bitmap, with 4 frames which updates the frame every 6 game ticks and looks like this: --------- | | | ----- | / * * | --------- would be: 3 4 6 -- 0 0 1 5 in a config. The ordering in the game goes off the order in the file, so if you add a tile to one, add it at the end if you don't want to have to remake all your levels based on it. .___________________________________________________________. | | | A M I G A O S 4 . 0 C O M P I L E B Y | ._______ .______. | | ____/________________________________________| |__ . ._|____._ | ._ | ._ | _/______. | |/ | |/ | |/ | |/ | | | _________| | | |_________________|______|spt/up |_______________|_______________| . . | | | I am in a shitty economical situation, so if you feel | | that what I do is worth anything, use paypal to donate | | to my email addy, spotATtriadDOTse, thanx! | | | | Spot / Up Rough 2006 | |___________________________________________________________| |
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