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 Readme for:  Development » Utility » changereg.lha


Description: ChangeREG helps converting source codes to OS4
Download: changereg.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 6kb
Version: 1.0
Date: 26 Jul 2005
Author: Stephan Rupprecht
Submitter: Stephan Rupprecht
Email: amigaos/stephan-rupprecht de
Category: development/utility
License: Other
Distribute: no
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 908
Comments: 1
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 272  (Current version)
272  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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 Written by Stephan Rupprecht

 ChangeREG is a quick'n'dirty solution to port your programs to OS4 
 and amiga_compiler.h. It's not fast, it's pretty bad coded but it
 gets the job done :-) What it does is to convert function prototypes
 with register definitions to the definitions used by AmigaOS4 (see
 include file 'amiga_compiler.h' of your SDK).
  void __asm foobar(register __a0 char *a, register __d0 int b)
  will be converted to

  void ASM foobar(REG(a0, char *a), REG(d0, int b))
 The program recognizes the following list of symbols:
 __asm, __saveds, __regargs, __stdargs, __REGx(), __REG(x,y), 
 REG(x), _ax, _dx, register __ax, register __dx
 where <x> is a register number.
 The program can only be started from a shell, it takes as first
 parameter the source path or file (patterns are allowed) and as
 2nd parameter the destination path.

Final words,
use at your own risc ;-)

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