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 Readme for:  Development » Ide » ced_pro.lha

CygnusEd Pro 5 Upd 2

Description: Professional IDE for AmigaOS
Download: ced_pro.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 1Mb
Version: 5.60
Date: 13 Oct 2022
Author: CygnusSoft Software
Submitter: Samir Hawamdeh
Homepage: http://www.cygnused.de/index-de.php
Requirements: AmigaOS4
Category: development/ide
License: Commercial
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 12272
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 89  (Current version)
89  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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- Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------

Welcome to the second update to CygnusEd Professional Release 5! This update
contains new versions of programs, source code and locale files.

   1. What's new?
   2. Installation
   3. Localization
   4. Source code
   5. Credits
   6. Changes in CygnusEd

This version of CygnusEd is being published by:

    Postfach 83
    83234 Übersee


Visit the web site, and check out the forums. This is where you'll get product
support and find any updates that may be released in the future.

- 1. What's new? -------------------------------------------------------------
This update contains both new features and fixes for known bugs. Here is a
brief, but not necessarily detailed list of changes (see section 6, titled
"Changes in CygnusEd" for more information):

New features:

- CygnusEd and MetaMac show more informative I/O error messages if something
  went wrong when opening, creating, read or writing files. The
  message text includes the name of the file in question and the
  error description.

- If the CygnusEd text background colour matches the title bar background
  colour, the title bar text/background colours will be swapped to
  improve readability.

- Added a new ARexx command "ACTIVATE THIS CED" which works like
  the "ACTIVATE NEXT CED" command, except that it always activates
  the CygnusEd which the command was sent to.

- With the exception of 'only words' all the search options are
  now saved in the default configuration file. This means,
  among other things, that you can now permanently turn off the
  live search feature if you want to.

- CygnusEd now saves the 'only words' and 'forwards' search
  options in the configuration, too. The approximate width of the search
  window is saved, too.

- The "Find matching bracket" menu item ([Amiga]+h) now also supports
  searching for the single or double quote, and the gillemet (", ' or »)
  that's under the cursor. By default [Amiga]+h will search for the next
  following matching quote. Hold down any [Shift] key to have CygnusEd
  search in the opposite direction instead.

Bugs fixed:

- Auto-indentation no longer causes big problems if the current line
  consists of white space only.

- After saving a file to disk, CygnusEd now checks the modification
  time of that file and remembers it for later. Previously, it just
  remembered the time when the file was saved, which could be different
  from what the file system reports. This should fix irritations with
  CygnusEd reporting a file to have a different time stamp than what
  it remembered from the last time it was saved, which can happen if
  you save files to Samba/Windows network volumes. This also means
  that you can enable "safe saves" again without CygnusEd giving you
  wrong information on the last save state.

- If macro or ARexx files fail to load, the current macro settings will
  no longer get trashed. Also, all memory allocated during loading will
  be released. These fixes apply both to CygnusEd and MetaMac.

- Loading macros into memory which contain zero-length entries no longer
  leads to crashes. This fix applies both to CygnusEd and MetaMac.

- Any requester text is now properly redrawn if a window obscured
  it and is closed/dragged away.

- 2. Installation ------------------------------------------------------------

Double-click on the "Update_CygnusEd" icon. The update procedure will prompt
you to locate the CygnusEd command, the associated utilities and the
documentation, as installed on your hard drive, and then proceed to update
each file in turn. For some of the files updates will be copied on top of
existing files, but for others a patch will be applied.

Note that this update can only be applied to CygnusEd Professional 5, but not
to earlier versions.

- 3. Localization ------------------------------------------------------------

Other than intended, the CD-ROM distribution did not include all the
localization files. The file specific to the "RecoverCEDFiles" command was
missing and is now included. You can find it along with the other localization
files in the drawer "Extras/Localization".

- 4. Source code -------------------------------------------------------------

Updated "Ed" command source code is included in this update and can be found
in the "Extras/Source_code/Ed" drawer.
   Source code for the commands which were written so that the CygnusEd binary
patch files could be created and applied is provided, too. You can find it in
the "Extras/Source_code/CED-Patch" drawer.

- 5. Credits -----------------------------------------------------------------

The following people helped testing the CygnusEd Professional 5 updates, found
bugs and contributed work and ideas to the project (in alphabetical order):

	Andrija Antonijevic
	Niels Bache
	Adolf Brunner
	Neil Cafferkey
	Brian Carpignano
	Stefan Falke
	Philippe Ferrucci
	Chris Handley
	Thomas Rapp
	...and many forum posters known only by interesting pseudonyms

Thank you very much!

A big "thank you!" also goes to every person who bought a new CygnusEd copy
or upgraded from an older version. It would have been much harder to create
this update not knowing how much you cared about CygnusEd!

The spanish language localization was contributed by Javier de las Rivas.
Thank you very much!

The regular expression search and replace functionality is based upon code
developed by Henry Spencer:

Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997 Henry Spencer.  All rights reserved.
This software is not subject to any license of the American Telephone
and Telegraph Company or of the Regents of the University of California.

Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose on
any computer system, and to alter it and redistribute it, subject
to the following restrictions:

1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of this
   software, no matter how awful, even if they arise from flaws in it.

2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by
   explicit claim or by omission.  Since few users ever read sources,
   credits must appear in the documentation.

3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
   misrepresented as being the original software.  Since few users
   ever read sources, credits must appear in the documentation.

4. This notice may not be removed or altered.

The binary patch command "ced-patch" uses zdlib 2.1 Copyright (C) 2002 by
Dimitre Trendafilov, and zlib 1.1.3 Copyright (C) 1995-1998 by Jean-loup
Gailly and Mark Adler.

- 6. Changes in CygnusEd -----------------------------------------------------

The following is a list of the changes made to CygnusEd and utilities, in the
order in which they were made over time:

CygnusEd_Professional 5.50 (29.1.2007)

- Simplified the code that reads/writes macro and ARexx menu files.
  Error reporting still needs work, as practically none of these
  functions uses error messages that are specific or informative.

- If a macro or ARexx menu file fails to load, it no longer means
  that the current configuration in memory is destroyed.

- When cleaning up after a macro loaded into memory which has zero
  length data entries, CygnusEd no longer attempts to free memory
  which has never even been allocated.

- If loading a macro file fails, CygnusEd no longer forgets to release
  the last memory allocation.

MetaMac 5.5 (30.1.2007)

- Made the same changes to the macro save/load code that are now
  in CygnusEd. The same problems are found here, too, in that the
  error reporting is underdeveloped.

- MetaMac now scrubs the data that is written to the macro file. This
  means that if you save the same macro data on two different systems
  the same data will be written to the files.

- If loading the macro file fails, MetaMac no longer discards the
  current macro settings.

CygnusEd_Professional 5.51 (31.1.2007)

- CygnusEd now shows more informative I/O error messages if something
  went wrong when opening, creating, read or writing files. The
  message text includes the name of the file in question and the
  error description.

- If CygnusEd fails to rename the temporary file created if the
  "safe saves" option is enabled, you now get to see one single
  error message, explaining what went wrong and which file your data
  was saved to, instead of two.

MetaMac 5.6 (1.2.2007)

- Now shows more informative I/O error messages if something went
  wrong with printing, loading or saving data.

CygnusEd_Professional 5.52 (3.9.2008)

- If the text background colour matches the title bar background
  colour, the title bar text/background colours will be swapped to
  improve readability.

CygnusEd_Professional 5.53 (4.9.2008)

- Auto-indentation no longer causes big problems if the current line
  consists of white space only. Previously, the indentation would
  appear to insert an additional line feed and thereby break the
  whole layout. Thanks go to Chris Handley for spotting the

- After saving a file to disk, CygnusEd now checks the modification
  time of that file and remembers it for later. Previously, it just
  remembered the time when the file was saved, which could be different
  from what the file system reports. This should fix irritations with
  CygnusEd reporting a file to have a different time stamp than what
  it remembered from the last time it was saved, which can happen if
  you save files to Samba/Windows network volumes. This also means
  that you can enable "safe saves" again without CygnusEd giving you
  wrong information on the last save state. Thanks go to Chris
  Handley for reporting this issue.

CygnusEd_Professional 5.54 (4.9.2008)

- Added a new ARexx command "ACTIVATE THIS CED" which works like
  the "ACTIVATE NEXT CED" command, except that it always activates
  the CygnusEd which the command was sent to.

CygnusEd_Professional 5.55 (24.9.2008)

- The requester text is now properly redrawn if a window obscured
  it and is closed/dragged away. I wonder how I could miss that one :-/
  Credit goes to Brian Carpignano for spotting and reporting the

RecoverCEDFiles 5.4 (24.9.2008)

- Same requester bug fix as for CygnusEd 5.55.

MetaMac 5.7 (24.9.2008)

- Same requester bug fix as for CygnusEd 5.55.

CygnusEd_Professional 5.56 (24.9.2008)

- With the exception of 'only words' all the search options are
  now saved in the default configuration file. This means,
  among other things, that you can now permanently turn off the
  live search feature if you want to.

CygnusEd_Professional 5.57 (24.9.2008)

- CygnusEd now saves the 'only words' and 'forwards' search
  options in the configuration, too. Why leave them out?
  The approximate width of the search window is saved, too.

CygnusEd_Professional 5.58 (24.9.2008)

- The "Find matching bracket" menu item ([Amiga]+h) now also supports
  searching for the single or double quote (" or ') that's under the
  cursor. By default [Amiga]+h will search for the next following
  matching quote. Hold down any [Shift] key to have CygnusEd search
  in the opposite direction instead.

CygnusEd_Professional 5.59 (25.9.2008)

- "Find matching bracket" now also handles the '«' and '»' characters,
  which are treated like the '<' and '>' characters, i.e. the right
  angle quote is expected to be found on the right hand side of
  the left angle quote.

CygnusEd_Professional 5.60 (20.9.2010)

- Saving a file and canceling the operation no longer resets the
  saved modification time.

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ced_pro_demo.lha5.1.2528kb13 Oct 20224.088¤ CygnusEd Pro 5 Demo - Professional IDE for AmigaOS
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