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Comment by: aGGreSSor ( | At: 29 Nov 2020, 10:11 | File version: 1.2 | All my builds are checked before loading, it's written in readme. It's very old commodity) You don't need reboot to exit it. You need to click between the eyes and press the right mouse button. In the drop-down menu, select "Quit" option. Or you can press the key combination Amiga+Q. All tooltypes work as written in the Docs. I use this app myself, so I checked every tooltype. Try commenting out (parenthesizing) all tooltypes and enabling one at a time. This way you will understand the logic of their work without reading the documentation.
| | | Comment by: graz ( | At: 29 Nov 2020, 08:28 | File version: 1.2 | It's not a commodity, so you can't exit from the only reboot. On OS4 it seems didn't work as expected: does not matter what you write in your tooltypes, the position always the same. Was it tested before upload?
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