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 File comments for:  Utility » Workbench » jill.lha


Description: A multi-purpose utility for Workbench
Download: jill.lha
Version: 5.0
Date: 07 Nov 2015
Category: utility/workbench
FileID: 9561
RSS Feed url: https://eu.os4depot.net/modules/comments/rssfeed.php?file=utility/workbench/jill.lha

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Comment by: HKvalhe ( 12 May 2017, 16:04File version: 5.0
MUIRoyale been updated to version 1.6, and it fixes the problem with Jill. So now, Jill works again :) <3 I'm very happy :)
Comment by: HKvalhe ( 08 May 2017, 21:42File version: 5.0
Yes, that is the kind of error display you get after installing MUIRoyale 1.5, and as you probably have discovered yourself, Jill is broken...Could only mean one thing: Jill has to be updated...again. Fortunately, i just put the Clock and the Calender from Workbench Enhancer bundle and have them running in WBStartup, so it always bring them up.

But again, Jill has to be updated, and i hope the Weather display can return again. It was a very popular feature, and i don't see any reason why we shouldn't have it again...
Comment by: samo79 ( 08 May 2017, 18:34File version: 5.0
Confirmed. the error is:

<virtgroup> expected! (line 590)
File: calendar.hws (current line: 29 - In function: CreateGUI)
Comment by: HKvalhe ( 08 May 2017, 13:06File version: 5.0
Jill v5.0 doesn't work anymore after updating MUIRoyale to version 1.5. An error message shows up with problem on the Calender.hws file. It would seem that Jill would need a brand new update, since the latest version is from 2015. I also hope the Weather part can return back to Jill. It was very popular to use it, so i certainly hope it can be brought back again.
Comment by: HKvalhe ( 08 Nov 2015, 15:35File version: 5.0
Thank you for clarify the weather forecast situation. Hopefully another API solution to a new weather forecast could appear one day. For now, i guess we have to accept the situation for what it is...

I see that someone wants to pretend he is me, by using an old nick i used in the past. Something related to Helgis. That's not my nick anymore. My nick is HKvalhe, which is true to whom i am in name and person. Please do not try to pretend one is me. There is only one HKvalhe, and that is truly me. Slightly off-topic, but to make the point. Still, keep up the good work.
Comment by: Severin ( 07 Nov 2015, 22:02File version: 5.0
You have TheBar hardcoded to "SYS:MUI/Libs/mui/thebar.mcc" It should be:

Probably applies to any other mui libs you are using.
I do not have MUI installed on sys: for betatesting purposes so Jill fails to start as it can't find thebar.mcc.
Comment by: Helgis RTFM ( 07 Nov 2015, 21:04File version: 5.0
* Weather forecast has been removed as the API was deprecated long ago
Comment by: HKvalhe ( 07 Nov 2015, 19:24File version: 5.0
I see. Could you add weather caster again? Perhaps weather can be viewed primary, as the present day, month, time and year. The rest in the calender, along with weather for the next 5 days? Keep it up :)
Comment by: Djrikki ( 07 Nov 2015, 14:04File version: 5.0
Hey, I felt that it was really important to differentiate the AppStore from the rest of the application in order for it to be more widely adopted across the userbase
Comment by: HKvalhe ( 07 Nov 2015, 12:59File version: 5.0
Why has Jack (which seems now to be Jill) been completely stripped down? The weather app is gone, and it WAS actually working quite well in 4.9. And Jack has now become an app store in separate shape? I'm not sure i like this "split"...

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