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 File comments for:  Utility » Script » flush.lha


Description: Flush all memory with OS4 Final
Download: flush.lha
Version: 1.0
Date: 04 Mar 2007
Category: utility/script
FileID: 2609
RSS Feed url: https://eu.os4depot.net/modules/comments/rssfeed.php?file=utility/script/flush.lha

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Comment by: Rudolph Riedel ( 05 Mar 2007, 07:47File version: 1.0
Avail is not acting "funny" in OS4-final, it does what it always did,
trying to allocate a huge portion of memory.

The difference with OS4-final is that the kernel is using the memory
smarter now and doing quite some caching.
Seems like it is a little reluctant to free resources
in order to keep things fast and stable.

Just try to get the concept of absolute memory figures out of
your head, this is a relic from the days when A500's were
equipped with 1 MB at max.
If you really run out of memory - get some more.
Unless filling the ram-disk on purpose I can't run out
of memory here with "only" 512 MB.

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