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Comment by: AC/DC HACKER! ( | At: 19 Nov 2018, 23:32 | File version: 3.8 | Hello. Ahhh...Snoopy is cool, but I much prefer SnoopDOS. From first glance at least it'll output some useful stuff. Glad to have the port. Even if Setup and Functions doesn't work yet. Yay!
| | | Comment by: Hypex ( | At: 04 Aug 2007, 06:19 | File version: 3.8 | Hello. Will this be updated? I really miss SnoopDos. Sure, Snoopy is great and can do a lot of things, but there are things SnoopDos can do that Snoopy can't. AFAIK it is only setting up strings as being static in the source so it is compatible with the new memory system. Have you given up on it?
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