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 File comments for:  Utility » Filetool » thefryingpan.lha


Description: CD/DVD burning software
Download: thefryingpan.lha
Version: 1.3.2
Date: 08 Sep 2016
Category: utility/filetool
FileID: 9980
RSS Feed url: https://eu.os4depot.net/modules/comments/rssfeed.php?file=utility/filetool/thefryingpan.lha

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Comment by: Raziel ( 30 Jan 2019, 20:39File version: 1.3.2

Maybe the original author opted out of uploading his soft to OS4Depot.
I think this decision should be followed and not simply upload any piece of software lying around somewhere.

I'd be pissed if someone uploads my stuff to sites i don't know about.
Comment by: Hypex ( 26 Jan 2019, 16:31File version: 1.3.2
I'm with ChrisH on this one. There is an edited readme here so why not in the archive? Also there is no icon included. FryingPan has an icon so why it it missing? But the main issue I see here is this is 2016 yet the binary files are from 2008. They are obsolete! :-o
Comment by: Arnold ( 09 Sep 2016, 20:09File version: 1.3.2

Yeah so we will lose the software too :-))
Seriously a readme is so important for you ...??

Regarding "uploader" ... god bless him as if he didn't upload spare files from nowhere then no one seems doing so, and for me is mutch better when i can found all OS4 software here
Comment by: ChrisH ( 09 Sep 2016, 09:49File version: 1.3.2
The mysterious "Uploader" has been a bit stupid in this case, because the FryingPan is clearly dead. The first archive's readme pointed to the tbs-software.com website, which is long gone. Now the readme points to some "abandonware-code" site that only contains *non-core* (GUI) code from 7 years ago.

It's not very helpful upload on archive with an obsolete ReadMe, especially when it claims it can (misleadingly) claims it can still be registered & is still supported. (Editing the ReadMe would be a no-no, although the Uploader could create their own ReadMe - but I guess that would be too much trouble for the Uploader... So it would have been best if they simply didn't upload it at all in this case, IMHO.)
Comment by: Prober ( 07 Sep 2016, 19:38File version: 1.3.2
"FRYINGPAN can still be registered and its development continues." ?????

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