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 File comments for:  Network » Browser » gummisurf.lha


Description: The downloader manager companion
Download: gummisurf.lha
Version: 1.4
Date: 01 Jan 2016
Category: network/browser
FileID: 9664
RSS Feed url: https://eu.os4depot.net/modules/comments/rssfeed.php?file=network/browser/gummisurf.lha

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Comment by: Severin ( 06 Feb 2009, 14:15File version: 1.3
Very nice, I've been waiting for this for ages, I'm still not sure about the
tooltype loss, I used that a lot, I'll just have to remember the snapshot menu,
not a good name btw, makes me think I'm saving the window position rather than
the contents, maybe save settings & clear settings would be more intuative but
that's a minor niggle.

The major niggle is your very annoying sanity check on the 'To' value. It's a
pain in the proverbial not being able to delete the automatically supplied
number to replace it with your own.

e.g. I want to download the latest batch of photos from funpic.hu

I have 701 in 'from' and gummisurf puts 702 in 'to' I click the gadget try to
backspace the 2 and I can't because 70 < 702, the only option is to type the
number after the existing one and have something like 702800 (very risky if you
get distracted and hit generate without checking) and then remove the 702 bit.

I wish you would remove it and just have a requester saying the user is an idiot
when you generate or save.

btw. I do appreciate that it's probably a very nice elegant algorhythm that took
ages to write but that's no excuse for being annoying :-)

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