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 Readme for:  Driver » Filesystem » samdos_fs.lha


Description: SAM Coupe filesystem
Download: samdos_fs.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 54kb
Version: 52.2
Date: 21 Sep 2010
Author: Fredrik Wikström
Submitter: Fredrik Wikström
Email: fredrik/a500 org
Homepage: http://www.a500.org/
Category: driver/filesystem
Replaces: driver/filesystem/samdos_fs.lha
License: BSD
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 5957
Comments: 4
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 496  (Current version)
525  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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For now this is just a read-only filesystem.


Copy SAMDOSFileSystem SYS:L/


Example DOSDriver for mounting .sad/.dsk files with diskimage.device is
included. Simply drag the ISAM0 file into either SYS:Devs/DOSDrivers or

For using it with another device than diskimage.device you must modify the
Device/Unit information in the icon tooltypes (currently these are set to
diskimage.device unit 3).


52.2 (21-Sep-2010)
 - Now uses ETD_READ command instead of NSCMD_ETD_READ64, which is overkill for
   SAMDOS disks as they are not remotely close to 4GB in size
 - Seeking is now supported
 - Added support for optional disk label on MasterDOS disks
 - Fixed ACTION_MORE_CACHE implementation (returns number of buffers in dp_Res1
   instead of dp_Res2)
 - Added support for ACTION_COPY_DIR_FH packet

52.1 (16-Sep-2010)
 - First released version

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