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 Readme for:  Development » Utility » sdkbrowser.lha


Description: AmigaOS4 SDK Browsing Utility [v2.1.2.0 FREEWARE]
Download: sdkbrowser.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 122kb
Date: 27 Dec 2016
Author: BITbyBIT Software Group LLC
Submitter: Jamie Krueger
Email: jamie/bitbybitsoftwaregroup com
Homepage: http://www.bitbybitsoftwaregroup.com
Requirements: AmigaOS4
Category: development/utility
Replaces: development/utility/sdkbrowser.lha
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 10103
Comments: 6
Snapshots: 1
Videos: 0
Downloads: 461  (Current version)
1165  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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SDK Browser v2.1.0.0 [Special FREEWARE Release]
Copyright (c)2004-2016 by BITbyBIT Software Group LLC

Please visit www.bitbybitsoftwaregroup.com for more information on
The SDK Browser or AVD itself. Or email me at:

* SDK Browser (c)2016 BITbyBIT Software Group LLC
* ---------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c)2016 BITbyBIT Software Group, All Rights Reserved.
* SDK Browser v2.1.0.0 is a FREEWARE product from BITbyBIT Software Group LLC
* It can be posted on any Amiga site or other file area as long as the
* original archive is provided complete and without modification, and
* that this README file remain part of the archive(distribution).
* BITbyBIT Software Group LLC retains all rights to each distribution
* of the SDK Browser software and further reserves the right to request
* that older distributions be removed from any given web site or file
* area at any time.
* If you find The SDK Browser useful, and would like to see improvements and
* new software, and or simply want to support FULL TIME Professional software
* development for the AmigaONE(tm) and AmigaOS4(tm), then please consider
* purchasing the commercial version of this software. THANK YOU!
* The commercial version of the SDK Browser is available as a purchased
* product either on its own (US $24.95) or included as a component of the
* Advanced Visual Developer (AVD) Suite. Several powerful new features
* are still planned for the SDK Browser component and free upgrades are
* always included to the next major release number (in this case v3.0.0.0).
* Some features scheduled for the commercial release of version 3
* include, but are not limited to, Hex Dump display for binary files,
* AmigaGuide and "simple" HTML support, more cross-reference hot link
* support for all function and structure names within the AutoDocs and
* Include files. Locale support, a full GUI for all preference settings,
* seamless integration with AVD and much more.
* Please visit www.bitbybitsoftwaregroup.com to register your copy today!:-)
* Email: jamie()bitbybitsoftwaregroup.com

About the SDK Browser:

Maintenance Updates:
o v2.1.2.0 - Fixed a bug in the FREEWARE version which resulted in causing
             AmiDock to quit/crash when the SDK Browser itself was quit.
             Bug reported by: "imagodespira (Thomas)" on amigaworld.net forum.

o v2.1.1.0 - Added expection code to find the "xenares.doc" file for
             the xena.resource library, which was expected to be named
             "xena.doc". Bug reported by: "Kamelito" on amiga.org forum.

New Features in v2.1.0.0:

o The SDK Browser is now updated to build under the latest AmigaOS SDK (53.30)
  for AmigaOS 4.1 FE, and any older style API calls (now deprecated under
  4.1 FE), have been updated to use their modern equivalents.

o All file scan and Grep Search functions within the SDK Browser have now
  been updated to use the newer AmigaDOS API calls, which support 64-BIT
  filesystems. This means, not only faster file access, better memory
  management, but full support for searching and reading files on very large

o (STRUCT)ure browsing has now been added to the pre-parsed navigation lists,
  allowing for live browsing and quick lookups on the hundreds of struct { ... }
  declarations found within the AmigaOS SDK include files.

  As with the displayed content from the other lists, you may be able to
  navigate to the definition of another struct just by double clicking
  on its name in the main display. For example, let's say you were looking
  for the definition of the "List" structure (from exec/lists.h).

    1.) Under the "SDK" tab you select "Structures" from the pull-down list.
          (you can also use ALT+TAB to make the "SDK" tab active (if needed)
           and press "5" or "CTRL + 5" to choose "Structures")

    2.) Now either scroll down, or start typing the first few letters in "List"
        until you are viewing the struct List { ... } definition.

    3.) Looking at struct List { ... } you see it contains references to the
        "Node" structure. To quickly examine the definition of the Node
        structure, simply double click on the word "Node" in any
        "struct Node ..." reference and it should jump right to it
        (under exec/nodes.h).

o User settable Fonts and displayed Tab lengths
   - The Fonts to be used in both the main Display and navigation Lists
     is now settable under the "View -> Set Fonts" menu. You can also
     quickly switch back to the system defaults font in the same menu as well.
   - The displayed Tab Length (for the main Display) is also settable
     under the "View -> Set Tab Size" menu.
   - Both of these new settings (and others) can be saved.
     (see"Enhanced user preference settings" below)

o Dynamic target screen selector
   - Under the "View" menu there are two selections for immediately moving
     the SDK Browser window to another target screen; "Use AVD Workbench",
     which will attempt to open/move to the main screen for AVD (if available),
     and "Move to public screen..." which will open a quick selection list
     of all currently open public screens, allowing you to pick one where
     the SDK Browser window should move to. You can of course still set the
     default screen to open on using the PUBSCREEN tooltype (see below).

o Mouse Wheel Variable Acceleration Mode
  This new dynamic accelerator for Mouse Wheel events allows for much faster
  movement through either the active list or body of text being displayed in
  the main window. It works by watching how fast *you* move the scroll wheel
  on the mouse, and accelerates or decelerates the amount of the display that
  is scrolled with every "step" in the wheel based on how quickly or slowly
  you move the mouse wheel.

  Normal mouse wheel movements only scroll one line of the display for every
  "step" of the wheel, no matter how quickly you move the wheel. However,
  when "Mouse Wheel Acceleration" mode is on (default), one "step" of the
  wheel may move half-way down a page of text in a single go. The effect
  builds the longer you continue to move the mouse wheel at the same or
  quicker rate, and slows back down as you slow down the movement of the
  scroll wheel.

  So for example, if you are viewing about a six page document, say about
  250 lines, under normal mouse wheel mode, it would take around 26 "rolls"
  of the mouse wheel to reach the last page of the file. However, under
  the new Mouse Wheel Acceleration mode, you could reach the last page
  of the document in as little as 2 or 3 *quick* rolls of the mouse wheel.

  Just try it out on a few different sized file views, and then turn off
  the accelerator by unchecking the "Enable Mouse Wheel Acceleration" menu
  option under "View -> Enable Mouse Wheel Acceleration" to see the difference.

  The goal of this mode is to give you the "best of both worlds"; single,
  controlled steps of movement when you need to carefully read through
  a section, and much faster "quick scan movement" when you want it.

o Enhanced user preference settings.
  The following user settings will now be saved to ENVARC:BITbyBIT/AVD/
  and restored the next time the program is loaded, (whenever you select
  the "SDK BROWSER -> Save Settings" menu option):
   - Target screen to open on; Workbench, selected Public screen or the
     AVD Workbench screen
   - Use System default or custom Font selections for both the navigation
     list and the main display
   - User settable Tab lengths (for the main display)
   - Mouse Wheel Variable Acceleration mode (Enabled/Disabled)
   - The SDK Browser's window position and size (both normal and Zoomed)
   - Pen value for the text color of the main display
   - Background Transparent mode (Enabled/Disabled) for the main display

o Two new Search Modes have been added:
   - "Find Files (in dir)"
      which allows you to select a starting directory path (say SYS:),
      and a file pattern (say "#?.xml"), and the SDK Browser will
      assemble a list of all files it finds in that path that match
      the file pattern.

   - "Search (in Search Results)"
      which allows you to perform further "grep" searches within every
      file listed in the current Search Results. When run all files in
      the Search Results list which do *not* contain the text you are
      looking for will be removed from the results list, leaving only
      the files which do contain a match for the text in question.

      This action can be performed as many times as you like as long
      as there is at least one item still left in the search results list.
      Using this feature can allow you to "filter down" within a set of
      results to find some specific text. Take the above example for
      "Find Files (in dir)" to build a list of all files with an .xml
      extension on the SYS: volume, then use "Search (in Search Results)"
      to further find just the .xml files which contain say, the text
      "<key>". Then when you select any of those entries in the Search
      Results list, it will open that file and jump to the first reference
      to that text ("<key>") that is finds.

   As with all other actions run from the "Search bar" these new search
   actions are performed as a separate process, allowing you to continue
   to browse to any other area of the software (even the Search Results
   as they come in), while the search is being performed.

o Two new "Open In.." options for locating the currently viewed file
  on the system have been added:
   - "Open in File Browser" sets the path to the current file in
      the "File Browser" tab of the SDK Browser itself.

   - "Open in Workbench window..." will open a window on the Workbench
      where the currently viewed file can be found.

o New application Icon donated by Martin "Mason" Merz (www.masonicons.info)
   - Thanks Mason!

o Three new Tool Types have been added to allow for the remaining
  "Send file to..." menu actions to be set externally, just like
  could already be done with "Editor", and "Web Browser". So the
  complete set of Tool Types for setting which programs are run
  for these actions are (shown with internal defaults):
    EDITOR     = SYS:Utilities/NotePad
    MULTIVIEW  = SYS:Utilities/MultiView
    WEBBROWSER = SYS:Internet/IBrowse/IBrowse
    PDFVIEWER  = SYS:Utilities/AmiPDF/AmiPDF
    UNARC      = SYS:Utilities/UnArc

  If none of this Tool Types are present when you launch the SDK Browser,
  then the above set of internal defaults are used. So, if for example
  you want to use the new MultiEdit and MultiViewer from A-EON's "Enhancer"
  package, simply set the EDITOR and MULTIVIEW Tool Types like this:

  EDITOR     = SYS:Utilities/MultiEdit/MultiEdit
  MULTIVIEW  = SYS:Utilities/MultiViewer/MultiViewer

o A touch of Color - Two new menu actions have been added to allow some
  control of the background mode and text color of the main display area.
    - "View -> Set Display Color Pen..." menu action gives you the
      ability to set the text color of the Display Area to any
      Color Pen value (0 - 15). These represent using the system
      palette colors, as set with the preference tool SYS:Prefs/Palette.
      The default Color Pen is "1" (normally Black).

    - "View -> Set Background Transparent" menu action allows the user
      to enable or disable "Transparent" mode for the background color
      in the main Display Area (now on by default).

      This mode allow a possible background image texture to be displayed
      for the main text area, instead of rendering the solid background
      color. See SYS:Prefs/GUI, under the "Gadgets" Subsystem, General Tab
      -> Background texture.

      Please note that, unlike changes to the Color Pen value, changing
      the transparent background mode does not take effect on-the-fly.
      To see a change of this mode, first use "SDK BROWSER -> Save Settings",
      then "SDK BROWSER -> Quit SDK BROWSER", and run the program again.
      You will see a reminder of this in the status bar text at the bottom
      of the window, whenever this menu selection is made.

Features introduced in v1.6.0.0:

o Critical long standing bug fix, which would often leave a garbage character
  or two at the very end of a displayed file under AmigaOS4(tm) - Update 4,
  and would cause a complete system lock under the OS4 Beta, has been fixed.

o There were cases in v1.5.0.0 (and possibly earlier versions) where a
  public screen lock that was used to obtain information about the screen
  to open up on, was not being released. This would often cause Workbench
  screen changes (like with the ScreenMode prefs) to be blocked and unable
  to make live changes without rebooting and *not* running the SDK Browser.
  Happily, this too has been resolved.

o Some improved filtering was added to help prevent duplicate entries from
  being added to the History browser. In v1.5.0.0 a new History item was
  added to the list every time you selected an item from the listbrowser,
  even if you were just expanding a collapsed tree-view item (like a library
  or function). So if you clicked 20 times on the same item you would end
  up with a list of 20 identical items in the History list. Now, in version only one entry will be added to the end of the list for that displayed
  file, no matter how many times you may reselect it.

Features introduced in v1.5.0.0:

o Fully multitasking search bar with start/stop and pause/resume.
  File pattern filter added to search bar, and maintained separately
  for each search type. Interact with results as they are found,
  or continue to use all other parts of the SDK Browser as the search
  continues in the background. Search will continue even when hidden
  or iconified, and is controllable from the commodity exchange as well.

o New History Bar added.
  Quickly return to any of the last 20 items that have been viewed
  previously. Browse forward or back with the arrow buttons, or pull
  down and select a new position within the browser history. The
  history bar works like a combination of a web browser forward and
  back buttons and a rotating 20 item tabbed display. Giving you the
  flexibility to quickly work with the last 20 items that have been
  referenced already.

o Support for more than one interface(API) found within the same library.
  If the XML file for a given library contains more than one interface
  for accessing that library, then the SDK Browser will create a new
  browsable Library tree for each interface and name them with their
  respective interface name. This is also why the Interface name was
  added to each library entry under the Library list.

o Many new improvements too numerous to list here.

Some other features found in this release:

o Mouse-Wheel support using the new OS4 standard mouse-wheel events.
  Use Mouse-Wheel with qualifiers for even more browsing controls:
  Mouse-Wheel only    = Vertical Scrolling(move up/down)
  Mouse-Wheel w/Shift = Horizontal Scrolling(shift left/right)
  Mouse-Wheel w/Alt   = Vertical Scrolling(page up/page down)
  Mouse-Wheel w/Ctrl  = Vertical Scrolling(home/end)
o AppWindow/AppIcon support: Drag-n-Drop text files onto the SDK Browser
  window or Icon for quick viewing.
o Faster than ever before using newly optimized viewing routines and less
  disk access.
o Quick find ANY item in the active list just by typing the first few letters
  of its name.
o "Includes" browsing. Live browse the system includes using the new embedded
  directory scanner.
o Convenient "Send To" menu for launching a helpful set of external viewers
  right from the SDK Browser. Quickly open source files into the editor of your
  choice, or open HTML files directly into your web browser of choice. You can
  also launch the currently selected file with "MultiView", "AmiPDF", or
  even "Unarc" those archives.
o New keyboard controls to enhance the existing "mouse-over" focused movement
  keys and "mouse-wheel" support.
  (TAB rotates the main chooser under the SDK tab, while a-z "urgent" keys can
   be used for quick find indexing. Also "," "." "/" are now "Parent", "Enter",
   and "Root", respectively.)
  Alt+Tab now switches between "SDK" and "File Browser" tabs.
  Ctrl+Tab now rotates through the Search Types chooser.
o Programmable SDK Paths. You can now specify up to 10 XML Interface paths,
  10 AutoDoc paths, and 10 Include file search paths, as well as a default
  "Project" path.
o Programmable EDITOR and WEBBROWSER tooltypes (see below) for use by the
  "Send To" menu.

Commands and Tooltypes:(Default Settings)
PUBSCREEN=<default public screen>
LEFT=<Number of pixels from the LEFT Edge of the Screen>
TOP=<Number of lines down from the TOP of the Screen>
WIDTH=<WIDTH in pixels to open the window to>
HEIGHT=<HEIGHT in lines to open the window to>
CENTERED=<YES|NO>  <-- This option overrides the LEFT and TOP values (if

You can set all of the "Send file to..." external programs using:
EDITOR     = SYS:Utilities/MultiEdit/MultiEdit
MULTIVIEW  = SYS:Utilities/MultiViewer/MultiViewer
WEBBROWSER = SYS:Internet/IBrowse/IBrowse
UNARC      = SYS:Utilities/UnArc

Each XML path listed below will be scanned for Interface Library Descriptor
files (IDL) and decoded to build the "Library" and "Commands" lists. Do not
override XML_PATH1 unless you know what you are doing. (Default values are
listed below as well)

XML_PATH1  = "SDK:Include/interfaces/"
XML_PATH2  = "SDK:Local/Documentation/MUI-3.9/xml/"
XML_PATH3  = <User specified path>
XML_PATH4  = <User specified path>
XML_PATH5  = <User specified path>
XML_PATH6  = <User specified path>
XML_PATH7  = <User specified path>
XML_PATH8  = <User specified path>
XML_PATH9  = <User specified path>
XML_PATH10 = <User specified path>

Each AutoDoc path listed below will be scanned in to build the "AutoDocs" list.
All files found under these paths will be added to the list as an AutoDoc
(this is so we do not filter out any normal text files like "bootstrap.txt" or
 "rad.txt" that we actually want to keep).
Do not override AUTODOC_PATH1 unless you know what you are doing.
(Default values are listed below)

AUTODOC_PATH1  = "SDK:Documentation/AutoDocs/"
AUTODOC_PATH2  = "SDK:Local/Documentation/AutoDocs/"
AUTODOC_PATH3  = "SDK:Local/Documentation/MUI-3.9/AutoDocs/"
AUTODOC_PATH4  = <User specified path>
AUTODOC_PATH5  = <User specified path>
AUTODOC_PATH6  = <User specified path>
AUTODOC_PATH7  = <User specified path>
AUTODOC_PATH8  = <User specified path>
AUTODOC_PATH9  = <User specified path>
AUTODOC_PATH10 = <User specified path>

Each Include path listed here will be searched in order when The SDK Browser
needs to find a specific header file. The first two paths should only be
changed to the correct system header location (like if your SDK is not found
under SDK:). The first path also provides the "root" location for the
"Includes" directory scan lister. You are allowed to "parent" above it to
browse other areas of the SDK, and the "Root" button or keyboard "/" key will
provide an easy way to get back again.

INCLUDE_PATH1  = "SDK:Include/include_h/"
INCLUDE_PATH2  = "SDK:Include/netinclude/"
INCLUDE_PATH3  = "SDK:Local/common/include/"
INCLUDE_PATH4  = "SDK:newlib/include/"
INCLUDE_PATH5  = "SDK:Local/newlib/include/"
INCLUDE_PATH6  = "SDK:clib2/include/"
INCLUDE_PATH7  = "SDK:Local/clib2/include/"
INCLUDE_PATH8  = <User specified path>
INCLUDE_PATH9  = <User specified path>
INCLUDE_PATH10 = <User specified path>

The FILEBROWSER_PATH is the default path for the "File Browser" tab's directory
list. This is strictly for your own use, so set it to anywhere you want. Like
the first path of the "Includes", the path you specify here can be returned to
at any time using the "Root" button or "/" keyboard command. This "root"
location is reset every time you use the GetFile gadget under the "Project"
tab to select a new path location.

The next two tooltypes are used to specify what editor and web browser are to be
used by the "Send To" menu. Make sure to use a full path here to your
program of choice. The full path and filename of the selected file is added
after the values defined below for each program. For example the default for
EDITOR is: "SYS:Utilities/NotePad <filename>".
EDITOR     = SYS:Utilities/NotePad
WEBBROWSER = SYS:Internet/IBrowse/IBrowse

*** About BITbyBIT: ***

BITbyBIT Software Group LLC was formed in November of 2003 by Jamie Krueger
as a new software development company dedicated to producing high quality
software for the latest release of the AmigaOS4(tm) operating system,
AmigaOS4(tm). The primary focus of the company is to bring a new level of
professional software development tools, in an easy to use graphical
environment, to the AmigaOS4(tm) platform. This software development suite
is called AVD.

It is only through the outstanding support of the Amiga Community itself that
the AVD project and software like the SDK Browser, AVD Template Project and
others can be brought to AmigaOS4(tm). Please do your part to ensure the
success of this great platform by purchasing commercial AmigaOS4(tm) software
today, or make a direct monetary donation to support efforts such as this.


BITbyBIT Software Group LLC is located in Janesville Wisconsin in the USA.

BITbyBIT Software Group LLC
1617 Kensington Street
Janesville, WI 53546-5833


Copyright © 2004-2025 by Björn Hagström All Rights Reserved