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Comment by: mritter0 ( | At: 03 Mar 2017, 06:12 | File version: 1.4 | I understand the 3D effect now. When in 3D mode and you drag the slider it scrolls the images nicely. When not in 3D mode it doesn't, black gaps. Can be updated?
| | | Comment by: mritter0 ( | At: 03 Mar 2017, 06:05 | File version: 1.4 | The 3D effect only works with center positioning?
| | | Comment by: mritter0 ( | At: 02 Mar 2017, 20:50 | File version: 1.4 | OK, got it to compile with just gadgets/picflow.c. I was basing it on your previous example with proto/picflow.h. I would still like to see a box, or something else, around the currently selected image. There may not always be a preview window open showing it.
| | | Comment by: Tuomas ( | At: 01 Mar 2017, 16:02 | File version: 1.4 | When switching between horizontal and vertical orientation on the fly in the example utility remember to resize the window as well. ;-) The thumbnail size is always the gadgets height (horiz.) or the gadgets width (vert.) and the both width and height are always the same value.
| | | Comment by: Tuomas ( | At: 01 Mar 2017, 15:59 | File version: 1.4 | The software works fine here on both X1000 and AOne SE, beta and Final Edition Update 1. You don't need interfaces/picflow.h because there's no interfaces or library functions. Use gadgets/picflow.h only and not even the proto one. Open the class with OpenClass() and close with CloseClass().
| | | Comment by: mritter0 ( | At: 01 Mar 2017, 00:00 | File version: 1.4 | Filename errors fixed. Still have same errors in the interfaces file. Now the positioning Left doesn't work, the images disappear. Orientation does not work. Hit left arrow a few times, 42 keeps showing in box. (only 1-3 images). Plus other issues. Worse than previous version.
| | | Comment by: mritter0 ( | At: 25 Feb 2017, 21:25 | File version: 1.3 | I downloaded the latest archive, extracted and installed, but can't get it to compile in my program. I am not using -lauto CFLAGS = $(INCPATH) -Wall -Werror -Wwrite-strings -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -D__AMIGADATE__="`c:date LFORMAT %Y-%m-%d`" -O3 You have all the SDK files named picflow.h. But in proto/picflow.h they are named picflow.gadget.h. File not found errors. Compiler errors: /sdk/local/common/include/interfaces/picflow.gadget.h:31: error: expected identifier or '(' before ')' token /sdk/local/common/include/interfaces/picflow.gadget.h:32: error: expected ';' before 'void'
| | | Comment by: mritter0 ( | At: 07 Mar 2016, 02:42 | File version: 1.2 | Thank you for the demo. I have some requests that I would like to see so I can use it in my program. Could you email me, please? mritter0 at
| | | Comment by: mritter0 ( | At: 28 Feb 2016, 21:34 | File version: 1.1 | Please include a working demo so we can see how it looks.
| | | Comment by: TSK ( | At: 13 Feb 2016, 16:46 | File version: 1.1 | Something like this (fill in the blanks): struct ClassLibrary *PicFlowLib=NULL; Class *PicFlowClass=NULL; struct List *pictures=NULL; struct Node *node=NULL; Object *picgad=NULL; pictures=(struct List *)IExec->AllocSysObjectTags(ASOT_LIST,TAG_DONE); if (pictures!=NULL) { node=(struct Node *)IExec->AllocSysObjectTags(ASOT_NODE,ASONODE_Min,FALSE,ASONODE_Size,sizeof(struct Node),TAG_DONE); if (node!=0) { node->ln_Name=IUtility->ASPrintf("Work:Pictures/Picture1.iff"); IExec->AddTail(pictures,node); } node=(struct Node *)IExec->AllocSysObjectTags(ASOT_NODE,ASONODE_Min,FALSE,ASONODE_Size,sizeof(struct Node),TAG_DONE); if (node!=0) { node->ln_Name=IUtility->ASPrintf("Work:Pictures/Picture2.iff"); IExec->AddTail(pictures,node); } node=(struct Node *)IExec->AllocSysObjectTags(ASOT_NODE,ASONODE_Min,FALSE,ASONODE_Size,sizeof(struct Node),TAG_DONE); if (node!=0) { node->ln_Name=IUtility->ASPrintf("Work:Pictures/Picture3.iff"); IExec->AddTail(pictures,node); } } PicFlowLib=IIntuition->OpenClass("gadgets/picflow.gadget",0,&PicFlowClass); WINDOW_Layout,VLayoutObject, LAYOUT_AddChild,picgad=(Object *)IIntuition->NewObject(PicFlowClass,NULL, GA_ID,0, GA_RelVerify,TRUE, TAG_DONE), End; IIntuition->SetGadgetAttrs((struct Gadget *)picgad,MyWindow,0, PICFLOW_ListType,PICFLOW_LIST_TYPE_FILES, PICFLOW_PictureList,pictures, PICFLOW_CurrentPicture,0, PICFLOW_PosOfCurrent,PICFLOW_CURRPOS_LEFT, TAG_DONE);
| | | Comment by: Mecky ( | At: 12 Feb 2016, 18:49 | File version: 1.1 | I have installmit but what must i do to use it?
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