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 Readme for:  Development » Example » libraryhandling.lha


Description: The tedious job of handling libraries simplified
Download: libraryhandling.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 444kb
Version: 2
Date: 04 Dec 2011
Author: Tjitte 'OldFart' de Wolff
Submitter: Tjitte 'OldFart' de Wolff
Email: tjittedewolff/gmail com
Requirements: An Amiga with OS4.1, the SDK and a certain sense of humour
Category: development/example
Replaces: development/example/libraryhandling.lha
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.1
FileID: 6746
Comments: 6
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 202  (Current version)
263  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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Years ago I got bored with the tedious job of opening and closing libraries, so
I ended up writing some nifty stuff for my own. Ok, I could have relied on the
linker switch '-lauto', but that does not provide an overly fitting control over
the process.

See how I did it? Download and take a look. Read the ReadMe's in preferrably the
right sequence.
The concept has been tested with about ALL projects which I have released here
over time, so don't tell me it doesn't work.

Use the stuff as  a basis for your own projects, or else do anything with it
what you deem appropriate.

Version 2 (Dec 4, 2011):
Something had gone quite wrong with version 1. It is stil beyond my
comprehension exactly WHAT has gone  wrong, but I ended up releasing here some
version which should not have been released at all. And what should have been
released has gone walkabout, so I took the chance of setting it up all anew and
hopefully in a better way.

Due to request a Readme is provided now, and all projects have been overhauled
and tested. Tested even the unarchived versions to see if everything was
correct. I hope I have not overlooked to much, but if so, please let me know.

Have fun!


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