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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ============== SimplePlay 3.8 ============== This is the last SDL_Mixer version of SimplePlay. (Unless there are any bad bugs to be fixed!) This music player enables OS4 users to play the following music and sound formats: MP3, MOD, IT, S3M, XM, WAV, VOC, OGG, MIDI It was written using the Music functions that are built-in to SDL_Mixer (which is part of Simple Direct Media Layer). There is no function to query the length of songs, so I unable to insert a position slider gadget. Sorry about that guys. You can run SimplePlay with no options and it will open a GUI, or you can run it in shell with a song name as the first argument and it will play that one song. Control+C will abort playback. ARexx Commands -------------- PREVIOUS, PLAY, NEXT, STOP, PAUSE, GETSONGNAME Also.. SHUFFLE - can be turned on and off with the value 1 or 0 SETVOLUME - set the volume to 'parameter' e.g. "SETVOLUME 128" VOLUMEUP - increase the volume by 'parameter' e.g. "VOLUMEUP 2" VOLUEMDOWN - decrease the volume by 'parameter' e.g. "VOLUMEDOWN 2" Note: Muted volume is 0, and maximum volume is 128. Changes v3.8 ------------ - Rearranged the graphical toolbar - Bugfix: wasn't saving "last dir" in certain places - Moved all playback code to play_song() function, in preparation for moving away from SDL_Mixer to mpega.library.. basing the new program loosely on SimplePlay, but geared towards MP3 playback. - Will now skip to next song on error, instead of halting playback with an error window - Included a new script to send "is listening to" information to SabreMSN - Bugfix: loads settings.txt from progdir: now, so it doesnt have errors when launching simpleplay from a different dir - My crappy scope can be disabled now Changes v3.7 ------------ - AISS is used for a graphical toolbar - Added a fun little scope. - The Text Objects (such as the currently playing Song name) are now clipped if they are too wide for the display. Before it would sometimes clip fine, but then make the window a lot wider when iconifying then reopening. - Added an ARexx port, to listen for NEXT, PLAY, PREVIOUS, PAUSE, STOP, VOLUMEUP, VOLUMEDOWN, SETVOLUME, SHUFFLE. GETSONGNAME. Example scripts are provided. - "Previous" function will now take you to the previous song you played, instead of the previous song in the playlist - "Next" function will start the playback if playback is currently stopped. - SimplePlay stops playback when it reaches the end of the playlist now (unless in shuffle mode). - Music will now resume if you press play after pressing pause. (previously it would restart the song) - Added some rewind/fast forward buttons. The music library I use pretty much has to rewind the song everytime you want to set the position. The function is slower at the beginning of the song, and gets slower the more it has to seek into the file. This only works for MP3 and OGG at the moment. - Shuffle mode is remembered next time you load SimplePlay - An ARexx script can be executed when you play a song. Configure this by selecting "Settings" from the pulldown menu. I have provided a script that sends text to WookieChat to tell everyone what song you just started. Remember to enable WookieChat's ARexx by setting the icon tooltype to arexx=true before starting. - "Add Directory" works recursively now, thanks to Chris Handley! User Interface Settings ----------------------- I added a fun little scope to the right of the time elapsed text. I highly recommend that people go into their MUI Settings in SimplePlay to configure the background colour of the gauge object to match the background of the window. That way, the scope will look invisible when theres no music playing, and when it IS playing it will look nicer. :) Also, the default graphical toolbar is set to "Icons and Text" by default. This makes the window a lot wider and takes up space. If you want to make it look nice with icons only, select MUI Settings from SimplePlays pulldown menu, go into "External", click on TheBar > Appearance > View Mode > "Icons only". Startup script -------------- There is SDL debug text being outputted to the window or a console window when you try to fast forward or rewind through music. To hide this problem you can run the provided startup script "Start_SimplePlay". This script directs output to NIL: .. this is the only reason this script exists. Feel free to completely disregard it, it wont hurt! MIDI Playback ------------- Download the TIMIDITY package here (14MB or so): http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer/timidity/timidity.tar.gz Extract the archive somewhere, then copy the timidity/ dir and timidity.cfg to SimplePlay's dir. Then reload SimplePlay and MIDI files should now play. This setup is only neccesary for if you want to play MIDI files. Jump Window ----------- I have added a "Jump function". Hit RAmiga+J to bring up the Jump Window, or select it from the Pull down menu, and then type some characters of the song you want to play. It will build a list as you type. You can use the cursor keys or the mouse to get to the song you want, and hit enter or double click on it to play. Fast easy way to find songs in a large collection. E-Mail/Paypal: james.carroll xnet.co.nz |
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